From the United Nations to Collecchio: 11 stories of the right trees, in the right place and for the right purpose, in the new issue of RETICULA magazine from ISPRA

From the United Nations to Collecchio:
11 stories of the right trees, in the right place and for the right purpose, in the new issue of RETICULA, a magazine of the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA).

More than 4,000 copies were requested by ministries, regions, municipalities, universities, parks, citizens, …

The project “Il Bosco del Molino” promoted by Agugiaro & Figna, among those selected by RETICULA.CO2 compensation, ecological connectivity and the inspiration that the beauty of the landscapes of the Parma countryside will find among Trees and Shrubs of the Forest.

Bosco del Molino di Collecchio is among the 11 projects of excellence described in the 150-page issue 25 of ISPRA’s scientific journal RETICULA. The article is part of an extensive 150-page survey with which, from the editorial of the United Nations Forestry Division to the Bosco del Molino di Collecchio (Parma), a new publishing year is inaugurated through a monograph dedicated to afforestation and reforestation in the Belpaese. There are 11, as mentioned, projects of excellence recounted and described, deemed consistent with the “United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2030” (UNDP2030) of 2017, which provides the global reference for the management of the Planet’s forests and “trees outside forests.” And included among these eleven projects is. The Molino Forest promoted by Agugiaro&Figna, in collaboration with CINSA (National Interuniversity Consortium for Environmental Sciences), to support the land and its biodiversity by committing to increasingly eco-sustainable choices.

Forests cover 31 percent of the Earth’s landmass and are home to 80 percent of the Earth’s biomass, providing shelter for more than half of all animal and plant species, a heritage that in Italy sees many public and private entities capable of design excellence that is ensuring, in this time of severe pandemic uncertainty a future of social and environmental resilience, moving from Piedmont to Molise, from Gran Sasso to the Reggia di Venaria, proposing use of big data and IOT (Internet of Trees) for the management of the Woods and new business models for the sale of the eco-system services generated by the trees, up to the Molino di Collecchio Woods project, promoted by Agugiaro & Figna.

A project that of the Molitorio Group, chosen by RETICULA’s Scientific Committee, in addition toCO2 offsetting and ecological connectivity, for the particular inspiration that the Molino Forest draws from the beauty of the landscapes to be recreated in the Parma countryside. This will be done through an innovative design that associates landscape expression with the naturalistic and cultural value of the 13 hectares covered by the intervention, which began last July and is scheduled for completion in November this year.

The landscape of the Parma plain behind the hills, studied and described by art critic Roberto Tassi in his volumes thirty years ago, will embellish a 700-meter frontage of the area used as a forest. The project explains Dr. Rosanna Figna, the company’s Quality, Research and Development Manager and director of worksis a response to an environmental imbalance that needs to be healed and, at the same time, a response to the search and desire to enjoy a new beauty through a place that will become a space for recreation, meditation, theater, the search for harmony and the production of culture.”

The Molino Woods will be built on the land adjacent to the group’s company plant in Collecchio, in the province of Parma, and will involve the afforestation of 13 hectares in total, including 10 hectares of natural forest and 3 hectares of poplar grove. Fifteen thousand trees, shrubs and official essences will take up residence in the forest. The large green area will be able to absorb all theCO2 emitted by Agugiaro & Figna plants in carrying out grain processing activities. It is therefore a large and ambitious project with which the company makes a concrete commitment to look at the present and the future with respect, not only towards the environment, but also for the local territory and its inhabitants, initiating a process aimed at protecting the environment and the ecosystem as a renewable asset. The Molino Forest starts from the awareness that the environmental issue is inescapable and the need to leave a legacy for future generations. It is a project in the making, as it is not only about innovating through sustainability, but also about offering an open, accessible green space at the service of citizens, schoolchildren, teachers and researchers, to artists as a new space used to carry out different activities: from recreation to study, from scientific research to culture, finding in it the sense of belonging to a community.

About Agugiaro & Figna Molini

The Agugiaro&Figna Group has been caring for and milling wheat since the 15th century. “Every single grain of wheat, as well as every variety, encompasses the sense of the journey it takes, starting in the field with the sowing of the seed, and then, through a slow and gentle process, arriving at our tables.” This is the philosophy that guides and animates the work of the company, born from the merger of two historic families, which has been dedicated to milling with passion, knowledge, technique and dedication for six generations.

According to Agugiaro&Figna, flour tells a story, indeed different stories united by a single element: flour. This is the magic of wheat enclosed in the ability to speak of the people who work it with respect, conscience and technique in a continuous dialogue between tradition and innovation; but it also tells us about the territory and its qualities, history and characteristics. From here, right from the field begins the commitment to respect for the environment, work, food and people.

The Company’s focus on the functional aspects of flour led it to be the first to develop a specific line for pizza and the only milling company to produce sourdough starter. A range of products has been created for each food sector: cooking, baking, pastry, pizza making, experimenting with characteristics and interactions with other ingredients. The Company’s guiding values aim to preserve the authenticity of wheat, ensure relevant technical performance, and ensure a sustainable environment. Milling is gentle and gradual, of single varieties of wheat, to respect native qualities. Technical and functional quality is ensured by blending the flours into balanced blends of different characteristics. A passion for quality and naturalness that directs choices toward the adoption of energy from renewable sources, toward organic flours, and toward new extractions that enhance the authenticity of wheat.

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