Magistrale on the roof of the world

Our Le Sinfonie flours, with the La Magistrale line, took center stage at the Team Panettone World Championship, where Italy triumphed in all categories competing at the final at the finals held in the packed pavilion that hosted the Panettone World Championship at Host Milano, crowded for the occasion with enthusiasts and onlookers from around the world.

During the event, organized and promoted by theAcademy of Masters of Mother Yeast and Italian Panettone, under the patronage of the Ministryofagriculture, food sovereignty and forests-which saw Le Sinfonie as Main Sponsor-the 8 competing national teams presented their preparations to the juries, performed live under the eye of the cameras in the Polin Group’s laboratories in Verona.

Congratulations also to the second-place teams Japan and third-place Argentina.

Congratulations also to Spain, which won the Le Sinfonie special award for the best presentation brochure.

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